We wanted to share with you details of how you can help to support the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines, in particular those from Union Island, following the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl last week.

The Mustique Company's Managing Director, Roger Pritchard, says the following:
"The Mustique Community has a history of stepping up to provide real support in times like this. We also have the capacity and the experience to get resources to the people that need them so badly on the ground and we need your financial support to do this.
Please find details of how to give below. We have included the details of each charitable entity so that you can choose where best to donate.
Please use the reference HBER (Hurricane Beryl Emergency Relief) for all donations.
Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping our friends in Union Island. All our thoughts and prayers are with them."
For UK tax payers including Homeowners via UK Friends of Mustique Charitable Trust
You can give directly to the UK Friends bank account and if you fill in the Gift Aid form we will be able to claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. All you have to do is make a Gift Aid declaration.
UK Friends of Mustique Charitable Trust
C Hoare & Co
Sort code: 15-99-00
Account number: 75030160
IBAN: GB57 HOAB 1599 0075 0301 60
For those of you outside the UK, please see below for ways to donate to Hurricane Beryl Emergency Relief:
For US tax payers via the Mustique Charitable Foundation
You can give directly to the Mustique Charitable Foundation via this
link on their website.
For donations direct to Mustique Charitable Trust in St. Vincent
If you would like to donate to MCT via bank transfer please email
sally@loewenstein.me.uk and we will send you the MCT bank transfer details.
For Mustique Homeowners via Mustique Charitable Trust in St. VincentTo donate via your villa account please email the amount you would like to give and your villa account name to
If you would like to donate via bank transfer please also use the same email and we will send you the MCT bank transfer details.