young boys on the beach

Many years ago when my children were little and growing up on Mustique we walked to the beach each morning for a swim, and 'school on the sand'.  We played all sorts of games, drawing letters, shapes and numbers in the sand and of course, being surrounded by nature our walks took us past all the various flowers as each bloomed in its season.  Like any hot country the children were kept out of the sun during the middle of the day when they would spend hours drawing.  I came across a little book when sorting through an old box the other day.  It reminded me that I had sketched the outline of various flowers and the children had coloured them in, each making a book of their own.  I thought it might be fun to share it with you now especially while the whole world is in lock-down and many children are having to stay indoors.  I hope it will give any of you keen artists out there something else to think about for a while, and that it brings a little of Mustique's beauty into your lives especially for those of you who should have been here with us but had to cancel your trip.

watercolour illustration

Below is the link to download your printable copy.  It should print out nicely on A4 computer paper.

Have fun!

With love from Lotty B xx.

Download & print the whole booklet here: 
or individual pages below:



A bit of magic in these troubled times! Thank you Lottie. I have forwarded this on to my grandchildren. XX


What a wonderful idea Lotty! Thanks for sharing. xx

— Virginia Martyn