Pink House Mustique - A Watercolour by Patsy Fisher. This is such a charming painting by our great friend Patsy (RIP). It must have been painted before the coffee shop was built in between the Purple House and the Pink House. The painting belongs to Henry Channon and is on loan to me as I now have the honour of holding shop!
Both boutiques were built by Arne Hasselqvist, but the gingerbread style and colouring was Johannah Alexander's idea and believe it or not took some persuading to be accepted by the Mustique planning committee of the day! Originally called 'Treasure Boutique' We renamed it 'The Pink House' in 2008. Along with Basil's Bar, it is possibly the most iconic building and certainly one of the most photographed on-island!

Hello! I’ve been trying to find Patsy Fisher for years! She was a dear friend of my mother’s. They went to school together in Rio de Janeiro in the 1940’s, I believe. Can you tell me something about her? Patsy and her husband Bud, and children Nicole and Adam came to Sao Paulo to visit us a couple of times when I was in my teens, in the 1980s. Many thanks!