The Duchess of Argyll wears Lotty B

The Duchess of Argyll wears Lotty B


Pomp, pageantry and pillow fights: The Duke and Duchess of Argyll give us an intimate glimpse of family life inside their magnificent ancestral home.

Fishing rods, tennis racquets and bows in the family entrance to the magnificent Inveraray Castle, at the gateway to the Highlands, are the evidence of the active country lifestyle of its owners, the Duke and Duchess of Argyll. We're given a very warm welcome by Torquhil and Eleanor Campbell, as they are also know, and their children - Archie, 12, Rory, ten, and Charlotte, eight - who have just been swimming in the river with their grandmother Iona, the Dowager Duchess, who lives nearby.

The Duke and Duchess take us on a tour of the house while the children giggle as they slide down the banisters. We start in the private part of the castle, which includes a wonderful big dining room, a modern yet cosy kitchen with an amazing view of Loch Fyne, and the family's so-called Yellow Drawing Room, which has a painting of Eleanor above the open fireplace.

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