tree leaves against blue sky
Lockdown is tough, wherever you are! So we've asked Charlotte, our wonderful Mustique yoga instructor, to share her top five tips to keeping well in quarantine.
1. Do twenty minutes of exercise a day. There are so many YouTube workouts, pilates and yoga classes online at the moment. Find a different one each day to follow for inspiration.

woman doing yoga pose

2. Work on a goal or skill
that you've wanted to do for ages but normally ‘don’t have time’. For example: learn how to do dancer pose (below!), do simple stretches to improve your flexibility or keep at that daily rehab work to ease your stiff back!

yoga pose on the beach

3. Juice!
 Get your hit of vitamins by blending together 3-5 ingredients. Use mostly veggies with one or two fruits. Try adding seeds, oats and nut butters for variety.

fruit on cocktail sticks

4. Get outside.
 Try to walk in nature or spend time in the garden to get your vitamin D fix. If you need more encouragement, why not foster a dog or walk an elderly neighbour's dog for them?

yoga poses on the beach

5. Do something nice. Helping others helps ourselves feel good. Do a good deed to make someone smile and improve your mental health. Bake healthy snacks to drop on a friends doorstep, write a letter to an old friend, paint a picture for your gran. Skill share with a friend or family member or do some litter picking in your area. 

But don't overload yourself! Do what it takes to calm and soothe yourself right now. Take it easy. The body and mind may be struggling to keep up with the changes in lifestyle and accompanying restrictions or added work you may have taken on. Go easy on yourself & be kind. We may not all be in the same boat but we are all in the same storm. Hopefully these tips will help you weather it a little better.

With love and light xXx