Love your pet!

February 22, 2022

Well, this really has been the month of LOVE! Sunday 20th February celebrated "Love your pet day" - and here at Pink House we all love ours very much and thought we would share some photographs with you all - this is simply an album of our adorable pets:

This is Mimi the milk bottle shredder......exhausted after her efforts, bless her....
Mimi the working cocker spaniel
This is when Louis met Maple....
Boy and sprocker puppy
.....and this was a few weeks later - Maple relaxing at home!
Puppy sprocker fast asleep
Then we have the families, firstly, Puddle with her son Dodo...sheltering from Storm Eunice..
Springer Spaniels Puddle and Dodo shelter from Storm Eunice
Here is Dodo doing his best to convince the photographer that it is "walkies" time:
Springer puppy Dodo endearingly offers a paw
A very hungry puppy (below) helping herself to raspberries (an old picture of Dodo's mother, Puddle, but we thought it should be included as it is difficult not to love that determination to reach the ripe fruit!)
Springer spaniel puppy helping herself to some raspberries
From the left: Etta, Wilson, Minnie - three generations living together..three generations black labrador
These ones immediately below tend not to come into the office...
One beloved pony: Poppy is dotty about Dotty! Pony love
Happy Holly! With her favourite puppy Trio and her favourite pony called Teddy - we love that the puppy and the pony are nicely colour coordinated too....
Pony and puppy love - Etheridge style
Here is gorgeous Una - mother to Trio (above)... now, she is always welcome to come into the office..
Shy Etheridge whippet
Patsy and Olive keeping each other warm and cosy...
Cat sitting for friends
Amé - a very beautiful black cat against her colourful background
Cat sitter for friendly black cat
This little cutie (below) was only stabilised by his ears at this stage - and this was taken when Charlotte was looking after him a little while ago:
Whippet with Dobbie ears
Sweet Luna relaxing on a convenient knee (below):
Relaxing at home
Last, but by no means least this lovely chap: Torres. Abi's niece was staying and kindly tucked the dog up into her bed! We don't think he was complaining...
Dog in bed - feeling like Sunday morning
Wherever you are, we hope that you got to give your pets a great big hug on Sunday!

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