Mariella's trip

October 19, 2021

Mariella Frostrup travel writer Telegraph in Lotty B at Basil's Bar, MustiqueFeatured in a great article in last week's Saturday Telegraph Travel supplement, we at the Pink House loved being described by Mariella Frostrup as the suppliers of "...the island uniform of exquisite beachwear....."

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August 24, 2021

Hawksbill turtle in blue Caribbean seaWe were very privileged to talk to Raven Hoflund about her volunteer work with The Turtle Project on Mustique, affiliated with WIDECAST. Turtles are certainly majestic creatures...

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Jamie Lucas

August 03, 2021

Gabija in Lotty B bikini at Dolly Beach photographed by Jamie Lucas"It really is an amazing job, I love each and every moment of it. Now, working with models and amazing brands, and acting as a creative director, is what I love doing more than anything in the world so I feel very privileged."

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Meet Lotty

March 08, 2021

Pink House Boutique on Mustique IslandWe asked Lotty when she had moved to Mustique and how that led to starting her own business; opening the shop and launching the Pink House Mustique website. This was Lotty's response and fascinating it is too:

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Pancake Day

February 16, 2021

pineapple pancake mustique styleIt's pancake day! We wanted to thank you Tallulah for making these beautiful pancakes - think we might all be enjoying our own pancakes this evening, but think these will turn out to be the prettiest of them all!


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March 21, 2020 2 Comments

Illustration and artists pencils
I came across a little book when sorting through an old box the other day.  I had sketched the outline of various flowers and the children had coloured them in

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May 18, 2016

Turtles on Beach

What a special day!  Walking the windward coast of the island we came across an enormous leatherback turtle, Polly Angela, laying her eggs.

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May 10, 2016

Sea UrchinsThese stunning hand thrown sea urchins arrived on Mustique all the way from the Cloud Pottery in Scotland. Spot the real urchins! What a relief there were no breakages..

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May 02, 2016


The caterpillars are back with a vengeance! Our frangipani tree in all its glory and two days later - after the caterpillars! The rascals can eat a leaf in front of your eyes and they almost...

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In Bloom

November 28, 2015

flower of Mustique in bloom

Mustique in Bloom! The island has been a riot of flowers this month but as the trade winds begin to blow in I noticed them thinning out and thought I'd better catch a few of the November flowers...

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