Dog days!

July 04, 2023

Cupid the lurcher and his reflection - dog days of summerHere at Pink House Mustique's UK HQ, we have been enjoying some glorious weather! We were talking about the expression "the dog days of summer" and how it perfectly reflects long dogs.....

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New Year's Day

January 06, 2023

Lady of the Manor collaborates with Pink House MustiqueThe gorgeous, silk crepe-de-chine Lime Tree sarong worn as a scarf - it will make even the dullest January day pop with colour! See Hayley's other styling tips here......

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Merry Christmas

December 21, 2022

Merry Christmas from all at Pink House MustiqueWishing you all a very Merry Christmas from us all at Pink House Mustique - both on island and at our UK HQ...please click to view our Christmas card to you all...

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Carnival Queen!

July 05, 2022

Yuoca is the manager of Lotty's Pink House boutique on Mustique. When she is not being a retailing queen - she loves to party at Vincy Mas, now returned to it's full glory for 2022....

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Holiday packing

May 10, 2022

Lotty B Lime Tree/Slice silk crepe-de-chine sarongLotty never leaves home to go travelling without a sarong - and here are just some of the reasons why...


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Love your pet!

February 22, 2022

Dr B and Coco, Mustique Island, Lime SliceAfter a February full of love, Sunday celebrated "Love your pet day" and we thought we would share some pictures of our favourites. A few of them come to work, no prizes for guessing which ones don't!

To start us off, here is Coco with Dr B ...

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The Boutique

January 11, 2022

Pink House Boutique on MustiqueThe steps up to the iconic Pink House boutique on Mustique - in this photo Kevin Snook, renowned chef and author, is wearing the new Lime Slice print due for release in February....

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Limited Edition

December 02, 2021

Lotty B silk PJs limited edition made in the UKSince Coco Chanel dreamed up "beach pyjamas" in around 1917, we have all longed for the perfect, silk pair - to dress up or dress down - but that will always make us feel fabulous! Introducing Lotty B's new line...

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Mariella's trip

October 19, 2021

Mariella Frostrup travel writer Telegraph in Lotty B at Basil's Bar, MustiqueFeatured in a great article in last week's Saturday Telegraph Travel supplement, we at the Pink House loved being described by Mariella Frostrup as the suppliers of "...the island uniform of exquisite beachwear....."

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Mustique Mule

September 14, 2021

Mustique Mule swim shortsThe Mustique Mule is a well recognised sight and sound on the island. These little beach buggies, which are known on the island as "mules", are the only form of motorised transport here. We think of them as workhorses as they are used for everything you can think of!

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Sarong style

August 11, 2021

Banana tree print in pink silk chiffonHow do you wear yours? We have been asked how to style the classic Lotty B sarong and have lots of suggestions, but we would love to know how you wear your sarongs, please do send them to us!

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Alex Amengual

August 10, 2021

Alex Amengual launching drone camera at Basils Bar Mustique photographed by Lotty BAlex Amengual has been back on Mustique and we were delighted to catch up with him. We asked him questions we were really interested to know the answers to and wanted to share them with you....

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